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Partnership Agreement & Terms and Conditions

This agreement details the terms and conditions concerning therapy sessions with Therapists and Coaches at the North Hampshire Clinic.


Psychotherapy | Psychosexual Therapy | Relationship Therapy | EMDR Therapy

The aim of our sessions is to provide you with an opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe environment, to assist your learning, healing, understanding and growth. My role is to help you through this process without judgement. I will give you information and offer suggestions that I believe will help your process. If at any time I feel I cannot help you, I will offer to refer you to someone who can.



Our work together remains confidential, and I will not discuss what we talk about outside of our sessions. There are however a couple of exceptions to this:

My professional memberships require that I regularly attend supervision to ensure that my clients receive the best possible care and that I maintain professional standards (see ethical standards below). In this instance I may discuss our work with a supervisor. However, your name(s) will be withheld from any supervision case work to protect your identity and any information given to the supervisor will be treated in confidence.

In the exceptional circumstance that I felt either you or someone else were in danger or at risk of harm, or you disclosed your part or your intention to take part in a criminal/illegal act, I may be obliged to disclose this information to the relevant authority. I would, wherever possible, endeavor to discuss this disclosure with you first. Please note that I would also be obliged to share your information should there be a court order from a criminal, civil or coroner’s court demanding disclosure.

If we should by chance meet outside of the North Hampshire Clinic, please don’t worry, I will not acknowledge you unless you make a point of acknowledging me first (which I am happy for you to do), therefore, please do not take offence and believe that I am ignoring you. I am just protecting your confidentiality.



I specialise in sex therapy and hearing and using sexual language is a very normal part of my everyday work. Please do not worry about what terminology/language you feel you should use when talking about your issues. Please use whatever terms you feel comfortable with; you will not offend me.

However, if I feel that there is a deliberate attempt to be inappropriate, dis-respectful, anti-social or lewd and I find myself feeling uncomfortable or unsafe, I will have no alternative but to cease the session with immediate effect.


Record Keeping

The information you give will be safely stored on a device which is password protected and benefits from encryption software. Written information is stored in a locked filing cabinet in a locked room. Your data will never be shared with any third party unless; you have given consent for it to be shared with another health professional or there is a public safety, legal obligation, or vital interest to do so. Please read more about this and additional information about how we collect, use, and store your data in our Privacy Policy.


Ethical Standards

I am a member of several professional organisations (listed below), and I am bound to adhere to the code of ethics and professional standards of those organisations.

– College of Sexual & Relationship Therapists (COSRT) – Accredited Member
– National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP) – Senior Accredited Member



Your first session will be an initial consultation with some information gathering. The duration of this session will be one hour. This is an ideal session for you to ask as many questions as you wish and to see if you feel comfortable with me, and the environment I work in. This will help you to decide whether you wish to continue with a therapy process. There is no obligation to do so.

Should you wish to continue, we would then proceed to an assessment. This is an information gathering session to help me to better understand you and the issues you are seeking help for. The assessment session is two hours in duration.
If you are a couple seeking relationship therapy, you will need require one assessment session each and a further one with both of you present.

Once the assessment is complete, I will deliver my treatment plan to you based on the information I have gathered. If you agree with the plan, we will proceed to regular weekly/fortnightly therapy sessions.



Initial Consultation Session £95.00 (1 hour)
Assessment Session £180.00 (2 hours)
Regular therapy session or EMDR session £85.00 (1 hour)


Booking Sessions & Payment Options

You can book your sessions by contacting me by email. You would then be required to pay for the session(s) at least 24hrs prior to the appointment by bank transfer using the bank details below. If the payment has not been received by this time, the booked session time will not be held for you.

North Hampshire Clinic Ltd Sort Code 60-83-71 Account Number 24633453
Please use your name as your reference.


Location of sessions

If you have chosen a face-to-face session, this will be held at North Hampshire Clinic/Treatment Hub, 27 London Street, Basingstoke, Hampshire. RG21 7PG. The clinic is in a pedestrianised area in the town so you will need to park in one of the local car parks (map attached). You will find the door, which is grey, in between Martin & Co. and the Gabardine Bar. Please use the access code to gain entry to the clinic. The access code will be given to you when your appointment is confirmed. Please wait in the reception area and help yourself to refreshments until you are called through for your appointment.

If you have chosen an online session via video call, you will be sent a confirmation plus a link by email prior to your appointment. Please ensure that you have tested out your camera and audio prior to the call.



There are a few public car parks very close to the clinic. Some of the outdoor car parks in Basingstoke offer one hour of free parking. However, if the duration of your appointment is one hour (or longer) you may wish to purchase a ticket, our traffic wardens are very efficient.



Sessions are reserved especially for you and are very unlikely to be filled at short notice. Therefore, if you cancel your session with less than 24 hours’ notice I reserve the right to charge the full fee. Sessions will not take place if you are under the influence of alcohol or substances but will still require full payment.


Late Arrival

It is expected that the session will begin at the agreed time. Any session that begins after this time due to your late arrival or unavailability for whatever reason, cannot be extended beyond the scheduled finish time.


Couple’s Sessions

If you are undertaking couple’s therapy, please note that, unless we have agreed otherwise, you must both be present for the session to start. If one half of the couple is absent, the session cannot go ahead and will be treated as a cancellation with no notice. Full payment will still be charged.


Contact outside the sessions

If you need to contact me, you may find that the phone numbers provided may not be answered if I am in clinic or if it is outside normal working hours. However, please leave a voicemail, or send a text message or WhatsApp to 07711875819. Alternatively, email carol@northhampshireclinic.co.uk and I will endeavor to reply as soon as I possibly can.

If I need to contact you, I will do so via the preferred method(s) noted on your original enquiry form.



I hold both Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance.



If you should feel the need to make a complaint about the service you have received, please, in the first instance, raise your concerns directly with me. If afterwards, you feel that your complaint has not been fairly considered or resolved, please contact www.cosrt.org.uk


Further information

Additional information can be found on our website: www.northhampshireclinic.co.uk
